0.8.18 18/08/2024 *Fix to unzip routine to process certain filetypes first if multiple filetypes are found. *Added support to convert tzx files to tap files for onward conversion to .z80 format in QAOP. 0.8.17 08/04/2024 *Various fixes to reduce memory usage in Prod. 0.8.16 05/04/2024 *Fixed an issue where converting an A series Quill immediately after mapping it was failing in Prod, but working in test. 0.8.15 27/01/2024 *Removed self-joins from being mapped, and instead, flagged them in the location description. *Improved mapping of non-reciprical joins. *Improved handling of usurper rooms (rooms plotted on top of one another) *The first room in a group of unmapped joined rooms will be added to an empty space instead of on top of each other. *Added call out to api.zxinfo.dk to get game information, if available. *Game name and year of release will be added to map, if available. 0.8.14 07/01/2024 *Added PawMac indicator and version number to output maps. *Modified GetWordFromID to favour true compass points, if multiple synonyms are returned for the same word. 0.8.12 04/01/2024 *Fixed issue where user could not download map output as a zip package file. *Updated UI to refer to zip package rather than log output. *Added functionality to patch logic to remove corrupted entries. *Added functionality to show data line in .paw output where an error was found by InPaws. 0.8.11 02/01/2024 *Moved information inside expand/collapse div. *Updated UI. *Added zoom-in functionality to map output image. 0.8.10 01/01/2024 *Fixed issue where repositioning spur locations when mapping wasn't working if they were one-way connections. *Fixed issue where repositioning spur locations could result in a location being moved to underneath another location with no join between them. *Change to put unmapped rooms on a single row at the top of the map. *Fixed issue where rooms were being offset by 10 pixels unnecessarily. 0.8.9 30/12/2023 *Fixed issue where if input file had exactly 60 sysmessages there was no closing brace in the PAW sysmessages output. *Fixed issue where graphics stringbuilder was not cleared down if an UnQuill output file (i.e. a non-snapshot) was uploaded immediately after a snapshot containing graphics. *Added specific message if user tries to convert an adventure produced using GAC. 0.8.8 24/09/2023 *Fixes to PAW import routine to use UnPaws object data as InPaws may not decompress object data correctly where the PAW source database was compressed. *Fix to not use vocab cleaning / movement routines if we're importing a PAW source, as there's no need to. 0.8.7 12/09/2023 *Additional check when dealing with 128K snapshots to determine if they're Quill, GAC or PAW before deciding how to deal with them. 0.8.6 29/07/2023 *Fix to processing of event entries if current verb and noun have all been modified and no longer exist. *Fix to process and response output to remove double spaces. 0.8.5 12/07/2023 *Fix to update word type to NOUN if we've created a conversion noun, in case it was previously assigned as a verb. *Support for German language compass points added. *New crop image function to crop based on background colour only. 0.8.4 23/06/2023 *Fix to cropimage in TheScanner where minX>maxX or minY>maxY. *Fix to CheckAndMoveWordOne to scan whether moved word used be classed as a verb or noun in PAW. *Fix to TheScanner to add bottom row to image after cropping if height is odd rather than even. 0.8.3 19/06/2023 *Bugfix in TheScanner where image trim took place prior to image being inversed. 0.8.2 19/06/2023 *Added nwab (process not white as black) functionality to TheScanner. 0.8.1 17/06/2023 *Improved TheScanner functionality to allow images to be inversed. *Allowed gifs to be used as TheScanner source files. 0.8.0 13/06/2023 *Add DoScanner functionality to allow scanned images to be used as location graphics. *Allow downloaded zip files containing saved csv files to be re-uploaded in their zip format. *Fix to process csv uploads even if upload and process button is pressed rather than load button. *Fix to bug in Z80 snapshot processing (seen in The Helm snapshot) that failed if the sum of bytes 6 and 7 > 256 when checking if the snapshot was type 1. *Fix to bring in system messages using UnPaws if UnQuill fails. 0.7.49 29/05/2023 *Fix so that if two rooms are joined with both a compass point join, and another non-compass join, favour the compass point join first, so the rooms are correctly offset (positionally) from one another. *Fix so that a spur room (only joined to one other room) that's out of position is moved to the correct position, in relation to its anchor room. *Added functionality so that local priority GAC logic is mapped as well as connection table entries. *Where two rooms are joined in multiple ways, e.g. N<>S and IN<>OUT, the non-compass point version will be removed, and a note added to the remaining connector to indicate that the rooms are also joined in another way. This is to reduce confusion and complexity in the map. 0.7.48 27/05/2023 *128k PAW adventures (except graphics) can now be extracted using UnPaws, edited in PawMac, and then converted to a TAP file output, using InPaws128. *If the InPaws TAP creation fails, UnPaws is used to create a TAP file of the original source (including any graphics) which can then be opened and edited directly in PAW. *Revised version of UnPaws made to (i) fix issue where TAP file wasn't created, (ii) to allow the final Spectrum filename prefix to be chosen as an UnPaws commandline parameter. Finally, changes made to UnPaws to (iii) indicate which ram page a particular graphic, location, message was saved to. *Mapping support added for Spectrum SNA and Z80 snapshots of adventures made using the Graphic Adventure Creator (GAC). *Output text files produced by UnGAC can also be mapped. *Support added to map GAC adventures from CPC464 SNA and C64 VSF snapshots. However, the UnGAC tool seems a bit flakey with them. Output is often corrupted, or doesn't happen at all. Where UnGAC has produced an output, PawMac will filter / cleanse it to try and output a map. *Updated UnGAC to exit if corruption found, to avoid huge outfile of jibberish. 0.7.47 12/05/2023 *Fixed issue where the room and connections tables weren't being cleared down after a PAW to PAW conversion. *Removed trim from message and sysmessage text in PAW to PAW conversions. *Fixed issue where SmartWrap only worked on first line found to be over line length. *Reverted change where a space was added after every " (double quote) character. *Simplified and re-written routine that checks if words are acceptable labels for process table entries. *Dummy entry added to empty process table entries so they are available to be referenced elsewhere without error. 0.7.46 11/05/2023 *Z80 > SNA conversion routine has been re-written as the original routine occasionally created corrupted versions that UnQuill could not parse. *Fixed issue to ensure that vocab words with forced word types were followed and not changed. *Fixed ScrubRoom code to not trim input text as it remove's author's text designs. *Fixed issue where system message 18 could start with multiple blank spaces if the original started with control codes. *Fixed issue where UnPaws outputs 3 words in the process / response entries if a standard vocab word is assigned to reserved word number 1. *Added functionality to move reserved word 1 to a vacated position in PAW to PAW conversions. *Improvement to move reserved word 1 routine to check if there's a spare space, rather than moving an already populated word elsewhere. 0.7.45 09/05/2023 *Fixed issue where verbs were used as nouns or vice versa as descriptors in the process tables. 0.7.44 07/05/2023 *Fixed issue to add line breaks where source UnQuill file had
. *Fixed issue where all incoming text was trimmed which removed author's intended text positioning. *Fixed issue where there was no space at the start of "turn" sysmess. *Fixed issue where system messages 20-29 (if inserted by PawMac if the source adventure is an A series Quill) did not end in linefeeds. *Added functionality to further check consistency of UnQuill output after it created corrupt output based on the QAOP Z80 snapshot of Don't Panic - Panic Now *Further fixes to TAB control codes. *Further fixes to switch off control codes at the end of system messages. *Added functionality to move a non-movement word with a word number < 13 to a spare space, and then moving reserved word 1 to that vacated position. 0.7.43 04/05/2023 *Fixed issue where Quill vocab words were incorrectly given a word type of M in the output, rather than VERB or NOUN. 0.7.42 03/05/2023 *Fixed issue where graphics were imported on PAW to PAW conversions when there were no populated graphics. 0.7.41 30/04/2023 *Fixed issue where graphics were not converted in some PAW to PAW conversions. *Fixed issue where collected shade data was overwritten in some PAW to PAW conversions. *Fixed issue with graphics output where an error would occur if y value was out of range. *General improvements to PAW to PAW conversions. *Fixed issue where object / message / location text had control codes removed by default in PAW to PAW conversions. 0.7.40 29/04/2023 *Fixed issue where some system messages did not have a newline character at the end of them to force the input cursor to the next line. 0.7.39 25/04/2023 *Added functionality to convert 4-letter vocabulary words to 5-letter, based on message text. *Added functionality so that 5-letter words added in this way appear on screen with a red border. *Added functionality to delete those (or any other) words from the vocabulary if they are an incorrect match. 0.7.38 22/04/2023 *Updated UnQuill to parse C64 ink colour and inverse control codes correctly. *Updated PawMac to convert C64 control codes to their nearest Spectrum equivalent. 0.7.37 16/04/2023 *Fixed issue that stopped object descriptions being scanned to create 5 letter versions of objects in the vocabulary. *Fixed issue where object description scanned words were already in the vocabulary. *Changes to how PawMac deals with nouns that are also verbs. Nouns are now changed to conversion nouns and event logic changed to allow them to continue to work when ported over to PAW. 0.7.36 12/04/2023 *Improved handling of Event entries where command is {movement word} {noun} and the noun would not be processed in PAW. *Fix so that characters used is updated if user selects conversion with no control codes. 0.7.35 11/04/2023 *Improved error handling. *Fixed issue where ReDo tried to reprocess as a Quill file even if it were built using PAW. *New version of InPaws128 to correct WEIGH condact bug in the original InPaws. 0.7.34 10/04/2023 *Fixes to convert CPC464 and C64 INK, PAPER, and BORDER condacts to a PAW equivalent. *InPaws does not seem to support a BRIGHT condact, so these have been removed from the output. *Fix to download text to reference CPM sce files correctly. *Updated to using custom version of UnQuill to allow processing of some broken C64 vsf files. *Improvements in handling if directly uploaded PAW file fails to convert in InPaws. 0.7.33 05/04/2023 *Change to how InPaws is called to prevent PawMac from freezing if InPaws has failed. *Various fixes to improve support for C64 Quill VSF snapshots. *PawMac will output dummy system messages to the output PAW file if it detects no system messages on the input file. *Fix to clear existing data if converting a VSF file immediately after a standard Spectrum SNA file. 0.7.32 02/04/2023 *Source files can now be zipped, and PawMac will unzip them, and then process as normal. *Map now displayed on screen, and can be exported as PDF and/or Trizbort file. 0.7.31 01/04/2023 *Improvements to connection overlap routines to ignore dead rooms. *Fix to find next empty space routine so it will give up if there aren't any. *Fix to hide snapshot type in the output logs if it's not a CPC464 snapshot. 0.7.30 31/03/2023 *Fixes to mapping routines - move rooms if their connection overlaps rooms underneath. *Remove non-compass point duplicates if two rooms are joined in more than one way, e.g. E<>W and IN<>OUT *Fix to issue importing font 2+ from PAW games 0.7.29 27/03/2023 *Hyperlink to legacy Adventuron IDE added. *Fix: if making a map compatible for Legacy Adventuron IDE, any non-standard movement words will be converted to "enter". 0.7.28 03/01/2023 *Fix to detect and reject non-printable cursors and markers. 0.7.27 09/12/2022 *Fix to detect and reject UnQuill source files not saved with the -TZ option. 0.7.26 16/11/2022 *Continuing work to allow PAW>Adventuron conversions. *Added connections data to PAW>Adventuron output. *Added container and weight information to PAW>Adventuron output. 0.7.25 07/11/2022 *Fixes to tidy or remove empty ink control codes in Adventuron if they were used to colour UDGs which have been removed. 0.7.24 05/11/2022 *Added functionality to allow the conversion of Quill files into Adventuron. *Added functionality to export Quill/Paw graphics as base64 strings to be used in Adventuron. *Restored get max pic height functionality to crop images at actual height. *Added functionality to override calculated max pic height. *Front-end changes to labelling. *Fixes to routines to remove UDGS from Adventuron text. *Updated AUTOG, AUTOD etc. advisory message. *Fix to AdventuronCondition where ATGT (location) was being mis-parsed as GT (flag) 0.7.23 02/11/2022 *Fix to add font import flag changes to session variables so user intentions are saved. *Added functionality to also save exported fonts in tap file format to load back into a Spectrum. *Added functionality to add imported fonts to adventures without existing custom fonts. *Improvements to UDG facility to take into account C64 or CPC464 sources. 0.7.22 28/10/2022 *Object adjectives added to PAW>PAW conversion. *All unused ASCII characters are now displayed in a Quilled conversion in case you want to replace unused font characters with UDGs *Fixes made to force UnPaws conversion of a Z80 snapshot if it contains a PAW signature, but doesn't convert to SNA correctly. *Added functionality so that the characters keyed into the UDG replace field are replaced in font1 by the data from UDG T and UDG U. Location, message, sysmessage, and object text are updated to reflect this change 0.7.21 27/10/2022 *Fixed issue with InPaws conversion failure caused by the same font being exported twice. *Added functionality to allow Quill games with more than 2 fonts to export all of them. See, e.g. Murder off Miami. 0.7.20 25/10/2022 *Fixed issue where cursor and marker (and inputted text) would be printed in white ink, irrespective of the default paper colour. Default ink colour will now be used. *Added indicator where 21 UDGs are populated in the Quill Source, as only 19 are allowed in PAW. *Fixed 48k PAW snapshots to decompile using UnPaws instead of InPaws. *Fixed PAW to PAW conversions were looking at the Quill not PAW join table in error. 0.7.19 24/10/2022 *Added functionality to process all found fonts, not just the first two. *Fixed issue where a 128k snapshot would fail if processed immediately after a 48k snapshot. *Fixed issue with Newupdategraphicshade where shade commands with the over or inverse flags set would fail. *Fixed issue with adding default system messages to A series Quill games. 0.7.18 21/10/2022 *Added functionality to allow 128k PAW snapshots to be processed. *Added functionality to automatically increase the InPaws128 z value if processing fails due to insufficient space. 0.7.17 14/10/2022 *Added functionality to allow CPC464 sna snapshots to be processed. 0.7.16 11/10/2022 *Completion of added functionality to parse an UnQuill file from a C64 Quilled game. *Added functionality to allow fonts to be exported as ch8 files. 0.7.15 09/10/2022 *Fixes so that even a source file with no vocab and no objects will still allow InPaws to generate an output. *BUGFIX: UnQuill.txt files will now be processed, as well as snapshots. *Added functionality to detect and flag if UnQuill file comes from a non-Spectrum source, as it may not compile in InPaws. *Added functionality to advise user that using an UnQuill file rather than a snapshot will prevent graphics being exported into PAW. *Added functionality to parse an UnQuill file from a C64 Quilled game. This is a work in progress. Full data does not yet appear. 0.7.14 08/10/2022 *Added functionality to load .ch8 font files and overwrite the font(s) in the final output. 0.7.12 07/10/2022 *Added functionality to open TAP files in QAOP so they can then be saved as .z80 snapshots and processed in PawMac. 0.7.11 04/10/2022 *Improvements to ensure correct marker and cursor are imported, with correct inverse/flash attributes. *Improvements to rendering of system messages if they include control codes. *Support to allow InPaws .paw files to be converted to .tap files. 0.7.10 04/10/2022 *Fix to mapping to properly indicate when location connections are one-way. *Fix to mapping locations from events/status/process/response to remove duplicate entries *Change to allow Trizbort output to be imported into the Adventuron Legacy IDE to create locations and connections based on the imported map. 0.7.9 01/10/2022 *TAP files containing your converted data can now be viewed in-browser loaded into a copy of PAW so you can review the output. *Option to view the converted adventure in the QAOP in-browser emulator, where you can make changes and then save a snapshot file. 0.7.8 24/09/2022 *Improved CSS in processgraphics page so controls line break more logically in smaller displays. *Improved please wait messaging in processgraphics page. *Removed reference to graphics processing from please wait display on main page. *Added error handling if uploaded file is too big. 0.7.7 22/09/2022 *Restore Shade Fix functionality to graphics export routine. When shading some images, The Illustrator does not shade the rightmost column, or topmost row. Check this box to mimic this functionality, if the PawMac output differs from the original image. *Sundry fixes 0.7.6 21/09/2022 *An uploaded snapshot resulted in some form of corrupted output when processed in UnQuill, which then caused processing issues in PawMac and InPaws. PawMac changed to exclude any non-standard vocab words (not comprised of A-Z0-9) and not process them. *FIX - PawMac tried to add word 257 to vocabulary *FIX - replace a default object word of * with _ *FIX - remove hyperlink to process graphics once another snapshot is processed. *FIX - masked internal file path in Unquill and InPaws128 output file. *FIX - replace invalid BORDER value of > 7 from UnQuill with 0 default value. * Added support for the 4 main French and Spanish compass points to mapping functionality. 0.7.2 13/04/2022 *Graphics processing moved to separate page. *Fix fill functionality added to prevent "fill escape" when exporting PAW graphics. 0.6.5 03/01/2022 *Added TEXT handling to PAW Extract Graphics routines. *Moved long-running graphics extractions to separate thread, using ajax POST to keep process alive *For these long-running extractions, a link to completed extracted graphics is emailed to the user. 0.6.4 29/12/2021 *Fixes and improvements to PAW Extract Graphics routines. *Added updatemaxpicheight to take into account lines from non-scaled subroutines. 0.6.3 26/12/2021 *Fixed inadvertent breaking of font import on Quilled games. *Added mapping support for 128k Z80 PAW Snapshots. 0.6.2 23/12/2021 *Fixes to getmaxpicheight and work started on extracting PAW graphics routines. *Simplifying graphics importing from UnPaws appears to have broken PAW graphics exporting. Need to revisit. 0.6.1 21/12/2021 *Added graceful handling of 128K snapshots in InPaws *Fixed issue where closing curly brace missing if original PAW game had > 60 sysmessages *Allow existing PAW files to be extracted when output type is not DAAD